
Quality trays for bread and cakes

Since 1987 we produce metal baking pans for bread and cake industries. Italian quality, high flexibility in production and close cooperation with the most important plants manufacturers worldwide. ISO certified since 1998.

Mission Working side-by-side with the customer to help him in the choice of the most suitable product, according to the automation level of his production process, being sure of his satisfaction.

Errepan is Guaranteed qualitative standards | Certified raw material, technologically advanced machinery and skilled labour | Wide range of products | Long-standing experience | Customized products.
ISO 9001 Quality The rule says: “Understanding what customers want, identifying purposes and establishing the processes to reach them, mastering and improving them".

Go to our certificate
Headquarters Headquarters
Warehouses Warehouses
Production Production
Automation Automation
ISO Certified Quality ISO Certified Quality
Technical Office & Quality Control Technical Office & Quality Control
About us

We officially became “ERREPAN s.r.l.” in 1987 thanks to the entrance into play of the current management, that radically transformed the enterprise into an industrial business.

The story goes back to 1952, when grandfather Giovanni Battista Rozzoni started up his own business, working steel sheet to make handcrafted moulds for local bakeries and patisseries.

In 1963 his sons Ferdinando and Renato joined the business, which started its own development with the introduction of some machinery into production, new customers and cooperation with the first retailers of equipment for the bread industry.

The current generation, young and dynamic, has led the Company until nowadays, when the reference market is the national and international bread and cake industry.